Monday, April 07, 2008

Tipping the Scale

After being sick one week, then insanely busy with work last week, I finally got back to the gym yesterday. Part of my Sunday morning ritual before going to the gym is stepping on the scale. After two weeks of not working out, I expected to be a few pounds heavier than when I last weighed myself three weeks ago. I was pleasantly surprised - I had actually lost an additional five pounds. The needle was just to the left of the line for 200 lbs. I'm going to call it 199.5 lbs. and say it's the first time I've been that light in close to 5 years.

Why do we spend so much time at the gym if we can accomplish just as much weight loss (or more) with sickness and elevated levels of stress? I think I'll start a "stomach flu with new responsibilities at work" diet. I guarantee somebody will buy my book. Who wants to help me write the draft for the infomercial?

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