Sunday, January 06, 2008


Yes, I confess. I have long fingernails. But only on my righthand, and I keep the pinky nail trimmed. I've even been known to glue on an acryllic nail when one of my natural nails breaks.

Surprisingly I don't get many questions/comments on my fingernails. Of course, a few people at work have asked me, but that's expected since we work together on a daily basis. When I'm out and about, I can only think of two times when someone has asked me, and both of those have occurred in the past two months. Both times I was asked "do you play guitar?" or "what kind of guitar do you play, classical or regular?" Both times I was tempted to respond similar to Don Ross - "Yes, I play guitar, but don't tell my mother - she thinks I'm a cross-dresser."

Unfortunately, the long nails are no substitute for practice time. I've been very lazy when it comes to practicing guitar. But even with regular practice, I don't think I'll ever reach the level of Don Ross, Andy McKee, or Antoine Dufour.

Oh, by the way, if you like the videos I have linked above, be sure to check out their other videos on YouTube (Andy's "Drifting" has over 10 million views) and maybe pickup some of their albums on iTunes or at There, end of plug for some of my favorite guitarists.