Thursday, July 03, 2008

The Last Drive

Last weekend I made what I think was my last full roundtrip journey between Illinois and Michigan to visit my wife. I'll do the trip oneway in a few weeks in a Uhaul truck when we move her to Illinois.

Before I left on Sunday, we had brunch with some of my wife's friends. One of her friends asked if I would miss making the drive - I quickly responded that no, I would not. Since I've, on average, probably made the 12 hour roundtrip drive two times a month for the last three years, I've, well, gotten quite bored with it. To further emphasize my point, here are the highlights from my drive home last week:

  1. Last year I bought my wife a Honda Fit. You know how it is once you buy a certain car - you start noticing many more of them when you're out driving. On the six hour drive home a saw five blue and one silver Honda Fit Sports. I'm a fan of the blue...and apparently everyone else is too.
  2. Several fireflies had the pleasure of getting up close and personal with my windshield after dark. The blobs of their remains continued to glow for a brief period after their demise. It looked kind of cool.
  3. I was cruising along at 75 mph and got passed by a Corvette convertible probably doing ~100 mph. I was hoping to see the Corvette pulled over by a Michigan State Trooper several miles later, but I never got the satisfaction.


Anonymous said...

Hurray & At Last!!!

Anonymous said...

Never fails...there's never a police officer around when you need one! ;)

Anonymous said...

Good words.