Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I'm Giving Up

Every few days I'll try to read a news article or two in Japanese.  Today was one of those days.  I could easily tell by the headline that the article was about the DOW (in the United States) falling yet again.  I click on the headline - the entire article is only a few sentences.  Excellent.

My wife happened to come in the room and complimented me on reading an article in Japanese.  She challenged me to read it out loud.  I started to read, and was highly confident because I knew the following word: "市場".  I learned this word, and how to read it, over eight years ago in one of the first cities I lived in while in Japan.  So, when I come to that word I say "ichiba".  Simple.  It means market.  My wife corrects me.  

Wife: "No, it's 'shijou'."  

Me: "But isn't it 'ichiba'?"

Wife: "Yes.  When it's a fruit or vegetable market, it is 'ichiba'.  When it is the stock market, or the housing market it is 'shijou'."

Why do I even try?


Anonymous said...

To market, to market to buy a ????

Anonymous said...

Thank-you. I had both readings in front of me and didn't know when to pick which one.

You have been very helpful!